Sign the Petition stating that you want to celebrate the lives of those lost on April 16th, 2007.

virginia tech petition

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Cho Seung-Hui

Taken from Facebook Group description:

Cho Seung-Hui: Fuel Peace with your words, not anger

"A horrific event that no doubt causes anger and frustration. College students across the world are united with VT. Lets try and focus on the survivors and the loving memories of those who suffered from this tragedy. We will never fully understand Cho Seung-Hui or what was in his head but by spreading more anger we are only adding fuel to the fires in our society that allow these senseless acts to happen."

What are your thoughts?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i agree.. if we are only feel anger and disgust then we are only contrubuting to the fuel. we should be thankfu for all those that survived and keep in memory of all those that we lost. although, i dont attend or ever vistied Virginia Tech when i heard the story.. i was truely saddened that someone had to sink so low and kill so many innocnet people. i just dont understand.. BUT you will be in my prayers and thoughts.. i know that everyone can make it through this..